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A Latina Mom's outlet to stay creative, financially fit, optimistic, in contact with her family...without totally loosing her mind

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Goodbye Kindergarten Hello first grade!!!

My baby girl will soon be promoting from kindergarten. I've noticed that every day while she sleeps I want to look at her longer, trying to imprint in my mind her little face hugging her favorite " lammy" bear my mom gave her. I'm trying to take in her exhausted and thankful for rest look, her princess Pj's  ( that don't fit her but she insists on wearing them). I'm trying to take in her smell of Johnson and Johnson baby lotion and her little pig tails. soon she will be a first grader.

I think of the day I won't be able to sing her lullabies and scare the monsters from her room away and it saddens me. I'm happy to be giving her many of the things I never got as a child.. my own bed, a mother and a father that were consistently there and attention on the good things that she does, discipline, a prayer life and strength. All the while I tell myself.. I hope were raising her right

This year has been spilling over with activities.. field trips to go ice skating, academy of science museum with us, birthday parties, visits to dad and moms jobs, (sadly this also includes the death of my grandma, her great grandmother whom she loved to visit and thinks and prays about her often) trips with dad to the park, Halloween costume day at school, bowling field trips and even a trip to my old University where she insisted on taking a pic in front of my old sorority house.

Walking around the campus was great and special. From where i come from College is too expensive, takes to much time and is more of a burden than an experience of a lifetime. My family has held the idea that you should not do soemthing until you knew how to do it perfect and would not fail.. thus my life was always filled with fear of never being able to carry out a project or a job to its fullest because i had not done it before. Once at the sorority house my daughter said" Mommy, take a picture of me here" I busted out my phone eager to snap a shot and tears came to my eyes... My little girl.. MY LITTLE GIRL was standing in front of a university's sorority house with plans on coming to college and living there. At 5 years old her sense of self is far greater than mine was at her age... she knows she has a future and that possibilities surround her. I think were doing pretty good so far =)

Here's to the end of a year full of unforgettable memories and the beginning of new ones...

1 comment:

Debbie Maxwell Allen said...

My 'little' girl just graduated high school. It goes so fast. I remember those kindergarten days like yesterday!
